Free 1000 Sound Effects Pro - A pack of 1000+ professional sound effects for any video and audio editor. Compatible with, After Effects: CS6, CC 12, CC 2014, CC 2015, CC 2017, CC 2018, CC 2019, CC 2020 and Premiere Pro: CC 2019, CC 2020.
Other Video Editors: FCPX (Final Cut Pro X), Davinci Resolve, Sony Vegas, Avid, Apple Motion & Motion 5, OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), Filmora 9, Photoshop, and any other video-editing software in from of videos with transparent background.
- Works with AEJuice Pack Manager plugin in After Effects and Premiere Pro
- 41 different categories
- 1000+ WAV sound effects
- 2GB zip file
- 100% Royalty-Free
- Professional Quality
- Created by a professional sound effects studio Daruma Audio
- High-speed download
- Pack Manager 100% compatible (preview and import right in After Effects)
- Compatible with any audio or video editing software as regular WAV files
- Create sound design like a professional
List of Categories:
- Balloons
- Blasters
- Book Drops
- Bubbles
- Camera Shots
- Chains
- Characters Children
- Characters Crowd
- Characters Female
- Characters Male
- Cinematic
- Clock
- Cloth
- Coins
- Data
- Doors
- Errors
- Fire
- Fireworks
- Glitch
- Horns
- Human Eating
- Ice
- Keyboard
- Leather
- Markers
- Mouse
- Notification
- Package Drops
- Paper
- Pencils
- Pens
- Pops
- Realistic Ambience
- Snow
- Tear
- Toilet
- UI Clicks
- Water
- Whooshes
- Zip
Also compatible with:
Sony Vegas, FCPX (Final Cut Pro X), Avid, Davinci Resolve, Apple Motion & Motion 5, OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), Filmora 9, Photoshop, and any other video-editing software in form of audio files.
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